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bleblebleyou • 8 months ago

i have a theory that the one piece is one piece of shit left by joyboy. That's why roger was laughing

IExistMe Official • 8 months ago

The greatest mysteries and the best theories so far.
One piece (of shit) indeed.
Rivaling the will of D(eez nuts)

It could also be Joy Boy's family jewels in a box.

bleblebleyou • 8 months ago

that is good one. However, i also posted a better theory futher down the page that is longer and well detailed, but not as popular, because deez Monkeys Do not Like to read.

Fylk Zahdeya • 8 months ago

Holy shyt so accurate

Nitin Nishant • 8 months ago

I think One Piece is the one massive body of Ocean you get when you destroy the Red Line and all four seas combine together to form the All Blue. In the process, Marijois and Fish Island get destroyed as prophecied. Also, when the high rise waters of the Ocean subsides, it will finally uncover the sunken island that used to be part of the ancient kingdom and the sky island.

Emmanuel Wilson-Jeffers • 8 months ago

i also think this and many speculate OP is just that journey and adventure but idk how to feel then bcs 20+ years this took i'd hope for something more substantial as well Oda not being the most healthy to have it be "the friends we made along the way" would be so disappointing :P

Flame34 • 8 months ago

No. Oda outright stated that the One Piece is not "the friends we made along the way" and is an actual treasure

Jacky-Chan • 8 months ago

According to some theories.. It's a giant Sake Cup.. Left by Joy boy, which indicates companionship, like drinking sake together in one place.. So it's like a piece of sake cup thus one piece of sake shot or something. Idk man..

Oda Sensei did mention a huge battle royal is coming soon near the end.. Can't wait to see Boa's HandCock, And Akainu remembering Ace's flashbacks before getting squeezed like a lemon.. And blacky getting idk.. Gomu gomu in his ass..by Shanks..

ShadowDivz • 8 months ago

It's the memories!

Coldplay23 • 8 months ago

money, drugs and bitc$es

Emmanuel Wilson-Jeffers • 8 months ago

i mean that could be an anime probably exists all im saying is whatever the end of OP i'd hope the 20+ year build up would be more than again just the friends we made along the way as well knowing that people in 2023 are starting the OP anime at 1000+ episodes deep there better be something more XD

Coldplay23 • 8 months ago

......they found out the truth, that they're just characters in some dudes manga and the couldn't stop laughing at how meaningingless it all is, and they realized they're not even the main characters, the main characters are a bunch of kids 20 years from now

ShadowDivz • 8 months ago

I'm positive it's going to be the friends we made along the way. But still, what a journey it is.

The only thing that'll will be really disappointing is once it's over instead of other people appreciating the journey they will just google "what is the one piece" robbing themselves of a great story.

Poor bastards...

Emmanuel Wilson-Jeffers • 8 months ago

i'd rather it not be 1000+ episodes and chapters does not justify the friends we made along they way ofc the journey justifies it but there's alot to finish left over explore etc or else OP might as well be another FairyTail which i like for that anime it makes sense but even there going on

It's a letter saying "Congratulations if you managed to end your journey till here and can go back home in One Piece without losing any body part or something" lol, Ik wasn't funny but I tried.

xX><Xx • 8 months ago

What are people's opinions on the live-action? I cringed here and there, but overall it was slightly better than expected. They had to fucking say gum gum god fucking damnit

grawss • 8 months ago

I hate Luffy, and they did some characters dirty, but it's a pretty entertaining show. Most of my criticisms are from the situations and dialog, because most of the actors seem plenty talented enough to pull off a more meaningful adaptation. Luffy's actor is by far the worst, but some of that might be the very non-Luffy dialog, where he goes around demanding people tell him their dreams, giving sagely advice, and telling people that he's a great pirate or a "different kind of pirate" or whatever. It just isn't Luffy.

As an adventure series though? I'm hoping for a few more seasons! It's hard to reasonably wish for better in any case.

ShadowDivz • 8 months ago

I only watched one episode with friends last night. It's not the abomination i thought it would be. But it's very clear, that live action can't be as visually enchanting as 2D.

They did manage to capture the spirit of one piece. And the dude who plays Luffy definitely had some good energy and captured Luffy well.

But one piece has some ridiculous aspects, like some characters are just really big and not technically giants. How would Gear 2nd, 3rd and 4th look in LA (assuming it goes that far). Morgan looked as good as a man with an ax hand can look, but he doesn't look as powerful as he does in 2d. I've seen pictures of Arlong online and jesus. (although i think Buggy looks great)

Also, i think it was a huge missed opportunity to not use the anime or manga's wanted poster. It would have been a nice easter, HOWEVER, they did have Laboon's theme(or whatever that song is called) playing in the background. So, they are clearly doing some things right.

Maka Evans • 8 months ago

I agree, it was better than expected. I thought they would change many more things like the devil fruits power -Buggy and Smoker were the ones I was more worried about-, but the worst didn't happen as they managed to portray each story some way or other. The two things that they didn't even bother, I think, were Zoro and Sanji's "bond" (?) at some moments were it became kind of obvious the actors were laughing instead of the characters, and Sanji's curly brows 😜😂🤣

Ny3 • 8 months ago

You sure its not one piss?

Zaros Derer • 8 months ago

maybe a 2 golden balls from joyboy as a music drum instriument his personal balls

Zakaria Ali • 8 months ago

i feel like the one piece might be similar to the dragon scroll of kung fu panda everyones so hyped up about it and then it turns out to be nothing other than a mirror and then everyone goes delulu!!!!!!!!!!

ShadowDivz • 8 months ago

The real treasure is YOU.

that would be hilarious. The divine excrement.

Mizikame • 8 months ago

It could bee from the Giant Goldfish Usopp "lied" about; getting marooned on what he thought was an Island but it was a Giant Goldfish's shit that became an Island lolololol

grawss • 8 months ago

I'm not 100%, but I think that was revealed when they were leaving Little Garden. The giant fish there was the goldfish, and the island Robin suggested they go to was the "shit" from that fish: "Nothing At All Island".

Hambel Amar • 8 months ago

he was poop there and people looking for it:)))

Fylk Zahdeya • 8 months ago

Maybe Joyboy left disney classics cartoons🤣🤣🤣

Con D Oriano • 8 months ago

One Piece is the ancient weapon and only Joyboy can be use, which is why Roger said he hope to live in same era Joyboy was. Luffy will use it to destroy Red Line (which in turn brings down the Tenryuubito who lived above Red Line and set all the slave free that's why Luffy Nika is called Liberation Warrior). All 4 seas will connect and become One Piece.

Devil Fruit user can't approach Laugh Tale because they will affected by weird illness as foreshadowed with Buggy but Chopper will cure it (Chopper's dream to cure anything). Other pirates will come and prevent Luffy to become King of Pirates and they will fight Luffy, and Usopp will die protecting Luffy (Oda foreshadowed 1 of the Strawhat will die and that might be Usopp and he will achieved his dream to be the bravest fighter of the sea). Zoro will fight Mihawk and defeat him to be the strongest swordmen (Zoro's dream). By destroying Red Line, all 4 sea and grand line will be connected, forming All Blue (Sanji's dream). Thousand Sunny will have reached final island and become world greatest ship (Franky's dream). After destroying the wall, Brook can go see Laboon. (Brook's dream). After bring down Tenryuubito Robin can reach Rio Poneglyph where Tenryuubito is hiding because they want to hide the truth of the world. (Robin's dream). Nami can draw world map since the wall is gone and she can go freely wherever she wanted. (Nami's dream). Destroying Red Line will in turn destroyed the Fishman Island below Red Line, which is why Sharley predicted Luffy will destroy Fishman Island. Noah is used to let all Fishman onboard and go to surface and live with human. (Neptune promise with Joyboy). Fishman and human will live together (Jimbei fulfill Fisher Tiger and Otohime wish).

Animated Goat • 8 months ago

Luffy's solution to most villains "big fists" XD i love it

Emmanuel Wilson-Jeffers • 8 months ago

this seems to be the way altho i can't help but ponder what's the backup or alternative plan when BIG Punch doesn't work like on someone like shanks who can see into the future big slow punch even with haki/conquers could easily be dodged it be like the katakuri fight all over but 10x worse bcs now it shanks and he's on his own level without a DF :P

Seosamh Wray • 8 months ago

backup plan is kicks or a bigger fist. Luffy's got plenty of options.

Emmanuel Wilson-Jeffers • 8 months ago

he did that with doflamingo and i did say guys like SHANKS BLACKBEARD AKAINU you can't just do a bigger version of a big attack especially when the conversation has been Haki Conquers are the end game abilities as well then why didn't that work against kaido in there first encounter and now we have gear 5 that is definitely not just bigger punches :P

Florida Man • 8 months ago

Kaido does has future sight, the punch is so big he isn't escaping it regardless.

Enemy Of Humanity (Alice) • 8 months ago

New form that can anything, still finishes the villain with a punch, it just gets bigger. What a waste.

disqus_IKjT5cdHL1 • 8 months ago

It's not just a giant fist it's gonna shoot haki

Arã Arã • 8 months ago

I really hate the moment when i came to see the comments but I'm the first one to do so 😭
Edit:- Well then today's episode review -
First of all skip to 08:30 if you just wanna see the fight and guess what this was one of the top tier fight man 😭.
It was totally worth it to wait for 2weeks.
Luffy not only literally grab the lightning but also the cloud. This is literally amazing man. And once he also use the lightning to build the momentum...this power is literally so absurd
The next episode we're gonna see the most OP move of luffy #BAJRANG_GUN
In the end, the was WANO scene was so beautiful... The BGM ... everything was so satisfying to watch.
ANIMATORS shut off the all the haters today

Shensei • 8 months ago

why skip to fight, people that realyy enjoy one piece for shit ton of time, enjoy parts where more backstory is revealed, and this ep made it top shit, the animation of not only the fight but of the ppl down in capital, the graves of those samurai under the sakura trees, and everything and i am just happy that OP is getting the love it deserves from animators

Arã Arã • 8 months ago

Well i did watch the whole thing... Even thrice! xD
It was actually for the people who complaints a lot about the other things recap nd all... :(

Wisely Kamelot • 8 months ago

Luffy is practically playing with Kaido at this point, he's been grabbing lightning all over the place, also he looks like he plans to end it all with his giant fist that is as big as Onigashima, let's hope Momonosuke stops Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital.

Levi2512 • 8 months ago

Yeah, this showed us that Luffy noticed that Onigashima is on his way so he has been buying time for Momo I guess

Bertus • 8 months ago

He is but he hasn't really done any substantial damage to Kaido with his gear 5 so far. As Kaido says a devil fruit can't conquer the world, Luffy himself has to be stronger than Kaido to actually beat him. And that's a good thing imo as it seemed that Luffy was really overpowered when he went gear 5 at first but that's not really the case here.
My guess is that he won't be able to defeat Kaido with gear 5 because it's such a newfound power and we've seen how much trouble he had before utilizing haki with his already well established powers but who knows.

That being said, gear 5 is positively awesome and has made gear 4 make more sense to me for some reason.

Gabre • 8 months ago

I mean, Kaido is not dealing any damage anymore apperantly...

Idemudia • 8 months ago

Luffy will infuse ryou and Kaido will use his trump card but man luffy is going to kill him because luffy is destroying kaido to the core of the earth to where there is magma

Arã Arã • 8 months ago

This shit is spoiler man... Edit it with the tag

grawss • 8 months ago

I blocked that guy, and the page contracted by like 30-40 comments. Busy guy.

Arã Arã • 8 months ago

Well i also hope that... Coz momo is really working hard from the very start of the fight to deal with onigashima and still hasn't made any progress with it.

Abdur Rahman • 8 months ago

its called bajranggun and yes luffy will wn next ep

bleblebleyou • 8 months ago

Although right now a lot of people are shtting on OP right now, let’s have a discussion about what the One Piece really is. From the title of the anime, it is clear that the treasure is One Piece of something and has to be physical (confirmed by Oda). It must also be so ridiculous that it makes you laugh (evident in when Roger told his experience to Whitebeard). He also said that they found the One piece a bit too early, and it should have been found 20 years later (Luffy’s Era). From Rayleigh explaining his experience in Sa body, he said that they found out about what the Will of D means along with the One Piece. So, it is safe to assume that it has something to do with Joyboy and the treasure is left behind by Joy boy 800 years ago during the void century. We must also put into account that during this is during a time where technology thrived in a society. The Void century is something that wiped out all of humanity’s progression.